HighMatch FAQ

By Caroline Roberson on June 9, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you changing names?

Since 2004, Berke Assessment has revolutionized pre-employment assessments and we couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve accomplished, as well as the relationships we’ve forged over the years.

To best address the needs of companies of all sizes, and to better represent our new talent insights capabilities, we’ve made the decision to change our name to HighMatch. This move will better position ourselves as we expand our product suite to include Compass, our new custom content solution.

Though our name will be new, our dedication to finding you the best possible candidates hasn’t changed and won’t be changing anytime soon.

Do you still offer assessments?

Yes, all personality, skills, and aptitude testing previously used to assess candidates are still available and you’re able to continue using them how you’d like.

What’s Compass?

Compass is our new custom content assessment solution built from the ground up for those organizations looking for a way to measure the unique qualities that matter most to them.

This includes a fully customizable suite of MS Office skills tests featuring a mobile-first candidate experience, SMS invitations and reminders, role-based reporting and more!

Interested in an MS Excel, Word and/or PowerPoint skills test? Connect with your Success Manager today to learn how to add Compass skills testing to your current assessment solution.

What changes for me?

You won’t experience any changes within your account. The biggest difference you’ll notice is the website.

Will any features change or get removed?

No, HighMatch will retain all features and capabilities available on Berke.

Where can I find the login page?

Berkeassessment.com will be redirected to Highmatch.com where you will login to the same Berke platform with the same username and password.

When I visit HighMatch.com, it’s not loading. What do I do?

Some company networks have strict permissions governing the sites staff members can visit. If you or your colleagues cannot reach HighMatch.com:

  1. Ask your IT/Network team to add .HighMatch.com to the company’s list of permitted web traffic domains (sometimes this is called whitelisting). HighMatch runs on more than a single subdomain, so granting wildcard access () is necessary.
  2. To use the new Compass skills and custom content platform, your network also needs to permit *.Compass.HighMatch.com and *.asmt.app.
  3. Your existing network permissions for the Berke platform do not need to change (as a reminder, those are *.BerkeAssessment.com and *.asmt.io).
  4. While you are requesting this change from your IT/Network team, also request that email from the @HighMatch.com domain be permitted into your mail system to make sure everything is ready for your users. Berke will be phasing out the @BerkeAssessment.com email address in the future. For specific details, see the FAQ called “I am not receiving email from your new @HighMatch.com address…”.
  5. Note – these changes cannot be performed by the Berke/HighMatch Success team. Permissions of this type are specific to your company network.

I am not receiving email from your new @HighMatch.com address. What do I do?

Some company mail systems have strict permissions governing the domains that can send mail to your Inbox. If you or your colleagues are not receiving mail sent from @HighMatch.com:

  1. Ask your IT/Network team to add @highmatch.com to the company’s list of permitted email domains (sometimes this is called whitelisting).
  2. While you are requesting this change from your IT/Network team, also request that web traffic to *.HighMatch.com domain be permitted to make sure everything is ready for your users. For specific details, see the FAQ called “When I visit HighMatch.com, it’s not loading…”.
  3. Note – this change cannot be performed by the Berke/HighMatch Success team. Permissions of this type are specific to your company’s email system.

Will my login information still work?

Yes, your past login information will still work.

Will my pricing remain the same?

Yes. The pricing that you agreed to in your signed contract will not be changing.

Will the way I invite candidates change?

No, it will not.

Will my reports change?

No, they will not.

Have you been bought out?

No, Berke hasn’t been bought out. We simply decided it was the right time to change our company name.

What’s new?

We’re glad you asked. Our rebranding to HighMatch brings along several new additions to our platform that include but aren’t limited to:

  • Creating customized content: Partner with our IO team to build the custom assessments, either from the ground up or starting with our standard behaviors, that are best suited to the specific goals, processes, and requirements of your workplace.
  • Hosting your pre-built custom content: Enhance your re-skilling
    efforts with our platform that’s built to host any training and
    development content geared towards improving specific employee needs identified by a skills assessment.
  • Hard skills tests: Assess candidates for the specific skills that
    contribute to success within your organization.

What is the long-term plan for the Berke product?

Berke services a different need than Compass, so we have no intention of discontinuing the Berke product.

Who should I reach out to regarding questions?

You can still reach out to support@berkeassessment.com.

We’ll also be migrating to support@highmatch.com, however there will be ample communication before that happens.

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