Pre-hire Assessment SOlutions

Assessments, Modernized

HighMatch solutions, personalized to your roles and company culture by workplace psychologists, are the modern alternative to legacy off-the shelf assessments.

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They Trust HighMatch:

more relevant insights

Most vendors offer long, off-the-shelf assessments with standard measures and minimal customization.

HighMatch assessment solutions are tailored to your roles and culture by our workplace psychologists and delivered on our fast, mobile platform for the ideal candidate experience.

With HighMatch, you get relevant insights into what matters most in your roles and culture, in your preferred language.

HighMatch Capabilities

HighMatch sets the standard for what assessments should look like – fast, modular and backed by the latest science. HighMatch assessment capabilities include independently validated measures that can be used in any combination and at any hiring stage.


Get insights into a candidate’s motivations, communication styles, and emotional qualities.


Understand a candidate’s ability to get up to speed and solve problems.


Get an unbiased measurement of a candidate’s knowledge or skill.


Assess a candidate’s ability to handle job-related situations appropriately.


Provide candidates with insights into what they can expect on the job.


Get quick feedback on whether candidates meet the minimum requirements.

insights across the hiring cycle

Clients often want to measure specific competencies at different hiring stages, for instance screening warehouse applicants for spatial reasoning prior to an interview.

HighMatch has a suite of assessment products aligned to the hiring cycle which can be used to assess different competencies at specific stages.

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Assessment Reports

HighMatch reports are highly visual, with intuitive dashboards that help you quickly see whether a candidate is a fit based on their overall score as well as on specific competencies.

Those include:

  • Single Score: a single roll-up performance score
  • Custom Ranges: flexible, client-defined score ranges
  • Topic Scores: tailored topic scores for key sections
  • Answers Tab: easily review answers to questions
  • Action Tabs: email or call applicants with one click
  • Interview Guides: tailored question prompts
  • Development Tips: recommendations for improvement
see a sample report

our Services team

Our team of expert workplace psychologists are an integral part of every solution we provide.

They identify the underlying causes of your challenges, develop a tailored measurement plan and build a personalized assessment solution.

HighMatch psychologists come from the leading I-O programs across the country.

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Add-on i-o psychology Services

Leveraging a mix of science-backed services, our team of workplace psychologists can benchmark existing employees, assess business impact and validate your assessment – even develop custom interview guides and perform interviews with leadership candidates.

Benchmark study

A scientific study that identifies the 
qualities shared by top performers

validation study

Provides assurance that the solution is relevant and predictive of success

adverse impact study

An analysis assessing fairness towards client-defined subgroups

Business impact study

Analyzes the business impact of your solution across multiple factors

Interview development

Interview Guides custom built for your unique roles and culture

Leadership Interviews

I-O Psychologists interview your top candidates for alignment

ROI of a Pre-Employment Assessment

The Center for American Progress found that the cost to replace an employee who makes less than $30,000 per year is 16% of their salary. The cost to replace someone who makes more than $75,000 is 20% of their salary.

HighMatch has a proven record of helping our clients significantly reduce their turnover rate. To see how much you could save, check out our ROI Calculator below!


HighMatch Assessment Platform

HighMatch’s modern, mobile assessment platform delivers a fast, friendly and inclusive experience for candidates.

Features include:

  • SMS invitations and reminders
  • Embeddable video player
  • Customizable scoring and reporting
  • ATS integrations with all leading solutions
  • Conversational AI workflow integrations
  • ADA / WCAG-2 compliance for accessibility

Get a demo

A more inclusive candidate experience optimized for mobile leads to a more diverse candidate pool, higher completion rates and less abandonment. See it in action today!

Science behind the assessments

HighMatch assessments are designed to measure individual differences in psychological traits, abilities, and skills, and have been built by I-O Psychologists according to the latest standards in the field.  

All assessments have undergone rigorous analysis, including multiple rounds of data collection to ensure validity, reliability and fairness across multiple device types, by a team of I-O Psychologists and Psychometricians.

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From Our Blog

Pre-Hire Assessments: How to Create a Better Experience

Gemma Toth’s LinkedIn article in which she questioned the value and accuracy of predictive analytics in the hiring process has gotten…

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Pre-Hire Assessment Testing: Turning Skeptics into Believers

If you have been advocating for the use of an assessment technology without success, you aren’t alone. Despite the explosion of HR technology…

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Pre-Hire Assessments: What Makes a Good One?

Today’s employers are using pre-hire tests to gather objective candidate insights before extending employment offers. If you’re considering…

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Ready to measure what matters?
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