I-o Psychology services

Validation Study

A Local Validation Study by HighMatch’s I-O Psychology team provides compliance teams with additional assurances that their personalized assessment is useful in predicting a particular outcome like job performance.

What is a Local Validation Study?

A Local Validation Study looks to prove an assessment’s ability to predict job performance or other important outcomes like retention or training success.

To accomplish this, I-O Psychologists look to understand the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics (KSAO’s) of the role, benchmark incumbents and look at the relationships between scores and the target outcome.

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HighMatch local validation Studies Are:

backed by science

Our team of experienced workplace psychologists use proven research techniques and decades of experience to identify those qualities that contribute most to success.

Highly actionable

Insights can be used in multiple ways, from selecting candidates most likely to be successful to identifying existing employees that are better suited for other roles.


Hiring candidates whose innate traits mirror those of your high performers can lead to better performance, faster speed to productivity and a reduction in turnover.

assess with confidence

All of the measures HighMatch uses to build your personalized assessment have been independently validated through a rigorous general validation process, accessible via our technical manual.

A Local Validation Study gives your organization additional confidence that the personalized assessments built specifically for your organization are predictive of success and longevity in the target roles and culture.

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components & Deliverable

Every Local Validation Study from HighMatch includes a comprehensive report detailing the results from the following studies:

Job Analysis

An analysis of the critical knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAO’s) critical for success in the target roles.

Benchmark Analysis

A statistical analysis that proves a correlation between scores on a personalized assessment and the desired outcomes.

Adverse Impact Analysis

An analysis of the assessment’s fairness, derived by analyzing scores from multiple distinct, historically marginalized sub-groups.

How It Works

The process starts with an analysis of the work, where HighMatch partners with knowledgeable SME’s to define the critical KSAO’s associate with success in the position. 

We then work with clients to identify the most relevant job performance measures to include in the analysis and ensure we have complete data for all participants. 

Then we either collect assessment data (if using incumbents) or use historical assessment data (if using former candidates) to evaluate the degree to which assessment results are meaningfully related to the job performance outcomes identified previously . 

As part of a local validation study, we also conduct a review of test fairness by investigating the degree to which performance on the assessment is influenced by gender, ethnicity, or age.

HighMatch’s I-o Team

Our I-O Services team includes a deep bench of experienced industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologists and consultants with decades of experience partnering with leading brands across multiple industries. This team is led by our Head of I-O Psychology:

Dr. Craig Ellis

Head of I-O Psychology, HighMatch
Ph.D in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Auburn

Craig’s background is in pre-employment testing and psychometrics. He has 10+ years of experience as an assessment scientist and organizational consultant.

He’s developed assessments aimed at evaluating person-organization fit, and he’s created and validated selection systems for a variety of organizations. He’s consulted with companies to develop competency-driven succession plans and supported their efforts through executive assessment and leadership coaching.

Craig believes deeply in bringing science and data into the organizational decision-making process – specifically around selection and talent management practices.

Craig holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Troy University and a Master’s and Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Auburn University.

Curious about our Validation services? Connect with our Services Team today.

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