Berke Assessment

Assessment features that help you hire great people.

Berke’s features are powerful enough for Fortune 500 companies, but simple enough for everyone to use. Quickly identify the best candidates.

all the features you need


Straight-forward language and graphs in reports illustrate key candidate qualities.


Instantly see the fit and mismatches between a person and a job.


Compare candidates to job benchmarks customized for your company.


Create a baseline to benchmark existing employees and candidates.


Ask great questions with interview guides personalized to each candidate.


Integrate Berke with your ATS using our well-documented API.


Know Before you hire

All reports are written with hiring managers in mind. Straightforward language and graphs illustrate key candidate qualities. Get to know your candidates before you hire.

Understand job fit

Job fit scores show you where candidates hit or miss job targets. Quickly assess risk and see how mismatches could potentially impact job performance.

meaningful interviews

Interview guides help you confidently assess candidate job fit. Questions are tailored to each candidate and help you elicit candid answers.

Customized for your business

custom hiring profiles

Your culture is unique and your assessment should be too. Create tailored hiring profiles that define the behavioral traits and problem solving abilities required by top performing employees at your organization.

consistent interview practices

Add your own interview questions and candidate scorecards to your interview guides so all hiring managers are interviewing the same way.

from simple to complex

You decide how much data to collect from each candidate. Our assessments can be as short as 10 minutes for entry level jobs and up to 60 minutes for more senior level jobs. Choose what’s right for your business.

Predictive analytics improve

recruiting results

replicate top performers

Top performers often share common traits. Berke’s research team analyzes the traits of your employees and conducts Job Benchmark Studies to build hiring profiles that serve as a blueprint for who to hire next.

objective data

Making the right hiring decision is challenging. Objective candidate data combined with predictive analytics helps you make better hiring decisions.

backed by science

Berke is both valid and reliable. With more than 500 research and validation studies, you can rely on Berke to provide an objective perspective on how your candidate fits your company and your job.

Accurate assessments

soft skills and Motivations

Candidates are complex. Berke’s assessment illuminates a person’s motivators and personality traits. Understand immediately what would take months to find out on the job.

highly accurate

Berke is described as freaky accurate by customers and candidates. The insights that Berke provides are used well beyond the recruiting process.

problem-solving abilities

Understand how people solve problems, learn, and process information. Berke shows you how quickly people can get up to speed and if they have the talent to succeed.

Buyer’s Guide

Selecting the right assessment solution from the hundreds available can be daunting. To make that process a little easier, we created a Buyer’s Guide.

It’s an objective, downloadable report created by our team of Industrial & Organizational (I/O) psychologists that outlines what to consider when evaluating assessment vendors. 

download now

Need a different guide to improve your hiring process?
If so, then look no further!

Whether you are new to recruiting or an experienced hiring manager, our guides have something for you.

Ready to get started?  Schedule a demo today.

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